Saturday, August 1, 2020

Navigating through the Storm

From our Noonday Meditations:

I would like to say a word on behalf of all of us who are not statistics. I hear a lot of talk about whether the Covid-19 pandemic is really that bad because testing only shows more cases as opposed to more deaths. I want to remind our leaders that those numbers are both only the tip of the iceberg for the suffering being endured in this nation. Many of us are not a case or a death to be counted, at least not yet, but we live every day in a suffering we could not have imagined a few months ago. We are cut off from those we love with no clear idea of how long it will be before we can once again walk into a senior living facility to see a parent, or make a trip to be with grandchildren who are growing up so fast without us, or take our spouse out to dinner without being afraid. Do you know what that is like? Do you know how that feels? Please notice us. Please think about us. We are not statistics. We are not cases or deaths, but we are millions. Look out from the Rose Garden and see the millions of us who have been hurting so much for so long, and will go on hurting until this crisis is over. Then let us hear you say that you understand and that you care. Not for the numbers, but for the people. For us. ~ Steven Charleston (7/15/20)

Nothing will keep us from the light, no power yet dreamed, no fear yet formed, nothing that darkness can throw up to mask the truth or dread can spin like webs of worry to snare hope and hold it. The light is our birthright. It is our promised inheritance, the natural realm of our existence from which we came and to which we will return. Open, free, transparent, clear, the world of justice and mercy, the land of love and redemption. We may bear shadows for a while, but nothing will keep us from the light, so strong is our faith in its source. ~ Steven Charleston (3/29/17)


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